The new Unitary Authority On 7th May we will have more elections in Buckinghamshire, this time for the new Unitary Authority that is replacing Bucks County Council, Aylesbury Vale District Council, and the other three District Councils in Buckinghamshire. The new unitary authority will be known as Buckinghamshire Council, it will take over all the services and responsibilities of the previous County and District Councils.
With the Geberal Election behind us, we are now gearing up to the May 2020 New Unitary Council Election.
The YouGov constituency estimate (December 10th) puts the Lib Dems in clear second place behind the Tories, with Labour in 3rd place, projected to get half the Lib Dems' vote share. There is no Green candidate.
A message from Alastair Campbell.... click on image to read the letter
So what are the tactical voting site recommendations for the Buckingham constituency?