Buckinghamshire Council Approves ‘Failing’ Corporate Plan

A plan that has delivered a stagnant economy, rising crime and falling life expectancy has been approved by Buckinghamshire Council at a meeting on 17th April 2024.
Figures contained in the updated Buckinghamshire Council Corporate Plan show that, since 2022 the local economy hasn’t grown which means it’s reduced by 10% in real terms. Meanwhile, life expectancy has fallen while crime is rising.
Buckinghamshire Liberal Democrats are calling for a completely new Corporate Plan to address the problems of the current 2020-2025 plan, which has failed to deliver for residents.
Liberal Democrat Opposition Leader Susan Morgan said:
“Council Leader Martin Tett stated that the plan sets out the priorities of the Conservative Party in Buckinghamshire. With a plan that delivers a flatlining economy, lower life expectancy, rising crime, fewer visits to Parks, fewer Public Rights of Way and falling Recycling rates it shows that, not only has the plan failed, but it also reflects a failure of Council leadership. The current priorities do nothing for the people of Buckinghamshire.”
Buckinghamshire Council’s own verdict on its performance is damning. 1 in 4 of the Key Performance Indicators are rated as Red, meaning poor and significantly behind expectations.
In a recorded vote every single Conservative Councillor in Buckinghamshire chose to support this outdated plan which is making Buckinghamshire worse off and in poorer health.